I’ve struggled with an addiction for almost half of my life. It started young – in high school – and it’s gotten worse with time. I succumb to my cravings on a daily basis, often multiple times each day. To this day, I’ve never even tried a cigarette nor gotten high on marijuana – yet, for the past fifteen years, I can’t stop inhaling a fine, white powder that is undoubtedly taking a toll on my health.
Stevia. Erythritol. Sucralose. Xylitol. Aspartame. You name it, I’ve tried it, but Splenda is my drug of choice. Interventions have failed to get me to stop. Then, last week, my friend Arianne invited me to join her for a 7-day #SugarFreeChallenge in which we pledged to give up added sugars, including sugar substitutes. I DID IT! And it was liberating! (It wasn’t easy, though – I’ll admit I had the help of Sweet Defeat!) Most importantly, the week-long purge served as a reset for me, as I’m now more sensitive to taste and much more conscious of my sugar intake. (In fact, in the past few days, I’ve only torn open one packet of Truvia to sprinkle on my Fiber One and Fage, a breakfast I’d easily have doused with 6 packets of Splenda just a few weeks ago. Woohoo!)
This challenge inspired me in more ways than one. In the past few weeks, I’ve seen a rise in dating app fatigue amongst my clients, and I’ve been consumed with studying the reasons behind it. So, I got to thinking… what if I could help “reset” the swipe-app experience by creating a custom “challenge” of my own? Of course, I despise apps and base my business on the magic of meeting people in-person as organically as possible; however, like sugar substitutes, there can be a healthy way to integrate them into your routine. Moderation is key.
Reflecting on my own past dating app experiences, I’ve found that my strategic, limited use of apps was always effective for me. (In the course of one year of being single, I talked to less than 10 people and met up with only three. I ended up dating the first guy I met for four months and the third one for over two years. As for the second guy, let’s just say I got exactly what I was looking for at the time…) Combining my personal tactics with inspiration gleaned from the #SugarFreeChallenge, I quietly kickstarted #SwipeSmart with my clients, and the results have rocked thus far. So, what better time than now, the week before Pesach, to officially launch this #SwipeSmart challenge? As we all prepare to purge our pantries of chametz this Friday, let’s try a little “dating diet” this week!
The key to the below guidelines circles back to the same principle: Think before you swipe-right. (Note: Not before you message or meet someone, but before you swipe.) I truly hope you’ll give this challenge a try starting tonight! Before you start, take the opportunity to first update your profile, and then let’s git ‘er done, y’all!
Shabbatness #SwipeSmart Challenge
1) Restrict yourself to ONE app this week.
2) Only go on the app when you’re alone, in private. Stow your phone in public as much as possible.
3) Limit yourself to a maximum of three swipe-rights each day you go on an app (which should not be every day!).
4) Before swiping right, open up the person’s profile, read any and all info, and look at every photo before making a decision to swipe. If it’s possible to learn more about him or her by searching online, do that, as well.
5) Before swiping right, ask yourself, “Would I be excited if I matched with this person?!” If you have any hesitation answering this question, swipe left.
6) Smile while you swipe:) Be happy! You never know, right?!