Published by admin at November 4, 2018 Three handsome, successful NJBs (nice Jewish boys) stand before a beautiful, talented young woman, vying for her hand. How will she ever decide? Good thing she won’t have to. No, this is not some old Jewish fairytale you’ve never heard of, and there are no evil stepmothers or wicked witches to interfere; rather, it’s reality TV, and three wise bubbies will determine the fate of this menschy maiden, a gorgeous actress and server with flowing wavy blonde hair named Sionne. Who will the bubbies select to take Sionne on a date (that will be recorded for our viewing and commenting pleasure?!): Will it be bartender and biker boy Eli, a judío latino; hopeless romantic Daniel, a personal trainer; or bearded blondie Bradley, a musically talented stand-up comic? It’s just another day’s work on the set of Bubbies Know Best in Los Angeles, and I’m still pinching my own punim that […]